Tuesday 10 February 2015

How to Live Hassle-free in an Apartment?

With so many apartment projects out there, hunting for the best can be a real hassle. Also, living in an apartment isn’t always picnic as you’ve to deal with noisy neighbors, cramped space and gruesome landlords; all making things more dicey. Looking at the other side of the picture, life in an apartment can be awesome but only if you’ve some creative tricks up your sleeve. Below are a few ways to make that happen!

In Search of a Perfect Pad
To live better, place must be better too so start looking for an apartment that has everything you need. Research can take ample time but as said “Patience is a virtue”; remember the quote and soon you’ll find the best accommodation there is! Make a small list of basics; see whether requirements are in harmony before moving in. Jot down a few questions to ask potential landlords and agencies.

Be Friends with your Proprietor
Special attention mustn’t be given to apartment units only but screen landlords too just like they do to would-be tenants. Every transaction and deal must be in writing to avoid inconvenience later highlighting limitations of both parties. Hopefully there won’t be any problem but if any, you’ve evidence to prove innocence before things get berserk.

Move & Rental Discount
Try negotiating the price with landlords as long as you’re alone in market. Having multiple tenants interested over a single property raise competition while proprietor bids highest cost ever. Negotiate over aspects like pet fees, parking space or any other amenity besides rent. Winter season is best to move in a new home as chilly breeze also halt market competition.
Beginning or end of November is the best time. Obviously, cost varies from one country to another and if you’re in Dubai, winter is unlikely to hit. Hence an affordable apartment for rent in Dubai Marina along with other areas is available via negotiations or when economy cools.

Upgrading: Though Temporary!
Major drawback of an apartment is; you can’t upgrade a lot of things that are older or even broken unless owner approves it. Re-modelling entire kitchen isn’t possible but temporary upgrades shouldn’t be overlooked to make it a more Eco-friendly spot. There’s always a way to discuss things with your landlord and if he’s a humble soul, no need to worry about being straightforward, he’ll understand! You won’t believe that a few villas for rent in Dubai at particular places are exhausted and more affordable than imagine but a few fixes would definitely make them a worthy seclusion.

The Roommate: Nightmare or a Blessing
Having a roommate means you’ve to deal with a whole lot of new things. Though rental amount is divided, what about living expense and obnoxious behavior at-times! It’s quite nerve-wracking coming back from work or study after a tiring day and seeing food debris and nacho wrappers all over the place. It can also be other way around for what if he prepares dinner while you’re at work and do additional chores. Roommates are both blessing and a curse in disguise. Try dealing with frightening issues ASAP or both of you will get an eviction notice from landlord. Sign a peace treaty to end the feud if any!

Follow the above tips and you can definitely enjoy apartment living; ignorance may be threatening.
This article is written on the behalf of a leading real estate Agency: Exclusive Links

Four Tips to Make Your Small Apartment Cosy

Living in an apartment has a charm of its own as long as it’s clean and uncluttered. Not all but most apartments are small when compared to a stand-alone villa that’s why even a tiny, messy dustbin in a corner looks ominous at-times. It can be homey and hospitable only if you curate every item that has been ruthlessly jettisoned; pay special attention for what to keep and what should go.
Decoration on the other hand is also daunting especially being a renter. Think about all the things you can’t do such as repainting a wall, redo the floors and counter tops, install furnishings per likes so on. Everyone wishes to feel at home after coming back from tiring days work so here’s how to make your apartment look cosy!
  1. A Cosy Nook
Position your furniture in a nice and bright corner for a cosy sitting spot. Couch comes right in centre of the room along with a pair of chairs facing opposite side. Now, place coffee table or trunk in between both with books on top. Sit on each furniture piece to check if it’s comfortable or further alignment is required; ensure they don’t bump. Left with more space, throw a smaller table near couch’s end with a rug underneath. That’s what I call a true cosy nook!
  1. Light Up the Way
Soft lighting makes a room cosier and intimidating depending on how bright it is naturally. For instance if there’re less or no windows at all, bright lights are more preferable. Track and overhead lights must be balanced without that stingy glare in the eyes. Incandescent light bulbs once favored for their ambient and soft glow however today, they’re outmatched with energy-efficient/LED bulbs. Why not install a lamp to control glow at different times throughout the day!
  1. Don’t say “NO” to Curtains
Let’s say you buy an apartment in Dubai that’s small but have lots of windows for brightness and air! As temperature can rise above 40 degree during summer, you certainly need curtains to prevent heated interior. Since you can’t improvise too much with a rental apartment, make the most with what you can.
Though it depends on personal preference, dark curtains like aubergine, hunter green, charcoal gray or pure black grazing the floor looks elegant. Plus, you won’t need to clean them frequently. You’re often restricted to festoon large botanical prints or wall arts so why not go for printed curtains! Not only they block blazing heat to an extent but also makes good interior decor item.
  1. Throw a bit of Personal Flair
One can only feel at home if surrounded by personal mementos, trinkets and accessories. That can be anything from bookcases, tables, nightstands, glowing action figure or framed photos; as long as they don’t fiddle with rental laws. Multipurpose sofa that turns into a bed alongside Moroccan style couches with rugs underneath is simply splendid. Miniature plants are also an excellent choice that you can easily place in a corner!
Rules for apartment interior decor are almost similar everywhere but you should check with landlord or local real estate agency. Interested in a nice and comfy accommodation; click here for apartments for rent in Dubai if that’s your destination.

My apartment gives a homey touch, thanks to the above tips! So are you going to follow them too?

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Keeping Your Mobile Home Warm during winter in Six Steps

Living in a mobile home means you’re probably on the move all round the year. Autumn is almost here and winter is expected in around two to three months so you better prepare to keep your small dwelling warm and cosy. Mobile homeowners consider winter as the biggest problem due to poor insulation and gear. Preparing yourself in advance won’t just help you fight bitter winter frost but saves money on energy bills. So check out below for preventive essentials.
  1. Covering the Holes
Your moving home probably has holes and openings all over to keep it cool during blazing summers but it’s finally time to cover them. Use a silicon based caulk as a seal in outer walls which typically includes areas around doors, windows, pipes, vents and wires. Caulking must be inspected and done in presence of a professional else you may end up damaging the tubular enclosure; ensure it holds in place.
  1. The Inexpensive Weather Stripping
For a more economical yet effective approach, weather strip is done all around the doors and windows which take less time to install. Find salvage pieces and cut them down to the exact covering size. Have them welded or nailed whatever suits you best but keep in mind that it has to go when summer returns back. Consider it as a villa for sale in Dubai which you’ve to bedeck before winter chill.
  1. Storm Repellent
No, it’s nothing magical or some spray like thing but rather refers to ant-storm windows and screen doors to deflect sheer cold breeze from entering your warm and snugly home. This storm protection gear isn’t just for winter but you can also use it during monsoon season when torrential rains and hailstorms are constantly hammering the home’s hull. Proper door and window screens are essential to prevent heat from escaping during winter and keep you safe.
  1. Pipe Insulators
Winter means water pipes are going to contract, bend and break as usual but not if you take preventive measures. Coat water pipes with standard insulator to prevent freezing and bursting however installing a geyser to regulate hot water is another option. Coating pipes with several layers of newspaper would also suffice but why all the hassle when several technological gadgets are available in market.
  1. Careful Inspection
Another step is to carefully inspect the bottom of your mobile home and look for possible damages which might’ve incurred while moving from place to place. Wheels, underneath panels and other areas must be observed and repaired ASAP or else freezing weather will further break the joints. Remember to leave some room between wheels or else friction would severely dismantle the joints.
  1. Internal Layering
Lest your home has space and can easily accommodate heavy drapery, go for it as it can easily insulate heat and keeps the interior warm. Hang them as curtains to completely seal windows or use plastic sheets as a lightweight and cheap alternative but it’ll definitely stick to!
Meanwhile, extra quilts, pillows and bed sheets also make for a nice layering and prevent warmth within. When furnished flats are for sale in the list during winter, owner usually have it bedecked in a seasonal contrast so follow the same trick with your mobile home and it’ll work just fine.
The above tricks are sure to keep your mobile home warm. So there’s no need to be afraid even if your next destination is North Pole!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Soundproofing an Apartment in Seven Ways

The trend of living in an apartment is mounting rapidly due to several factors like affordability, security and all the amenities available under one roof. Besides, buying or leasing an apartment nowadays isn’t easy due to constant fluctuation in property cost but still, these are considered far better choice than villas or bungalows.

Affordable flats are mostly available in commercialized zones which accounts for a lot of noise all day long. Even if your neighbors are doing some major fixing, it’s like someone’s hammering right at your door. You can counter this quandary with effective soundproofing techniques to save you from this hassle. Check out below!

1.    Load it all up!
This may sound weird but the first thing to make your apartment soundproof is to load it all up with stuff. Sound won’t be able to travel farther this way hence fewer echoes are expected. What you can do is place a stuffed rug on floor or hang it over the wall above carpet, install large furniture like master bed set or tall wooden closets. All of this tends to absorb sound waves before they become nerve wrecking. If your flat is sharing a wall with neighbors, place a bookshelf within that corner to minimize racket as it happens.
2.    Seek Permission
To do some major revamp or need arise for further construction, seek approval from the owner if you’re a lessee. On the other hand, take the building’s association in confidence and ask for their permission before proceeding with the works. Same rule is followed almost everywhere even when you buy apartment in Dubai.

3.    Furring Strips
Applying furring strips over drywalls with additional coating of vinyl barrier foam composite is sure to prevent havocking noise. Although it’ll give the walls a bizarre look, there’s nothing ugly about it either. Hang some creative wall art besides or over the stripping and it’s all covered up!

4.    Anti-Resonance Tiles
Acoustical tiles are widely available that are considered an ideal alternative to standardized tiles. Primary feature of these is to absorb sound and can be installed on the ceiling, fit some leftover pieces to the sidewalls or floor for additional protection.

 5.    Carpet the Floor
If people living on the upper level are creating a riot that makes your head spin, same can be felt by those located below. So have your floor covered with a heavy carpet to minimize resonance. You can install a layer of vinyl foam composite over the floor and swathe it with a rug!

6.    Shock & Soundproof Glasses
The concept of soundproof windows has long since emerged but they’re mostly seen at places built near to noisy areas. Shock and soundproof glasses are considered best when it comes to repel external noise. Commercial and residential projects near Dubai airport are integrated with these anti-noise windowpanes as thunder from jets flying right above is enough to break normal glass while damaging your audible senses.

7.    Helpful Tips
Soundproof elements should only be installed only after written approval from property owner in-case you’re a tenant or from apartment’s union. Similar products are available in various prices so buy as per budget however investing extra isn’t preferred.
And here’re all the valuable tips to make your home soundproof. Live in peace!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Tips to find the best property management company

At times, it becomes difficult to find the best property management company for you. When you are getting involved in this case for the first time, you become quite confused because it is risk to depend on someone who is very new for you. However, there are a lot of property management companies, but we do not know which one is reliable and which one is making us fool. In this article, you will learn some tips to select the best property management company for you. Follow these tips and for sure, you will find a company on which you can rely. These tips are mentioned below: 

 Go for an online search
Yes, online search is your first step and it is one of the most convenient steps. However, it is simple to do search while sitting at home and you will easily get reviews of the company as well. This first step will narrow down your options very easily. You just have to give some time to your search and then you will find out some companies to choose from. Start your search like this, “best property management companies” See what result you get. Now visit the websites of these companies and select the one that you think is suitable for you. Once you are done with it, your next step is to read reviews of these companies. 



After the first step, you will ask your friends and family about the companies that you have researched. On the other hand, they can also give you the names of the companies they think are better. However, if the companies they think are well known, they should be displayed on the search engine. It can happen that the companies that you have researched are in the knowledge of your friends as well. Therefore, this discussion will further narrow down your options and you will reach a point where you will have just few companies to select rom.

Have a dialogue with them

Your next task is to have a dialogue with two to three companies. You can do an online chat or visit the company whatever suits you. In this dialogue, try to figure out their expertise, ask them about their clients in the past, their success stories and their achievements so far. 

Final analysis

Once you are done with it, our last step is to check the documents. See if they have a certificate and license or not. Not only is this, but you also need to analyze their agreements and what their rules and policies are. Make each and every point clear and then make a final decision.
These were some of the tips of selecting the best property management company. Do not restrict yourself to local companies. Property management companies in dubai serve the clients around the globe. You can visit their website and discuss the details. 


Finding the reliable property management company can become simple by few tips such as searching the company online, reading reviews about the companies and getting advice from friends and family. Besides this, one should consider international companies as well. Checking their license and certificate will give a prove of their professional work and you will get satisfied that they are not fake.

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